Dancers ministering to the Lord through the act of dancing.
Dancers ministering to the Lord through the act of dancing.
The Media Ministry makes sure that all equipment is ready and working well for service. They ensure there is good sound quality throughout service.
Glorifying God by equipping single adults to life of worship and maturity.
This ministry leads Sunday School Bible services to interact with church members in smaller groups as they study the word of God. This is a great way to learn the Bible and to connect with other people in the body of Christ.
Spreading the word of God.
At TTRGM our ushers treat all congregational members with great respect and do all their [possible best to make our members feel at home and feel welcome at church.
The Children's Ministry is composed of 0-12-year-old children. They meet every Sunday from 10 am to 12 pm to learn the word of God, sing praises, and interact with each other.
This ministry ensures that our senior pastor and visiting pastors feel welcome at TTRGM.
The Women's ministry at TTRGM working together to achieve and fulfill the good works of God.
The Praise and Worship team meets every Saturday to learn songs that will edify the name of the Lord during Praise and Worship services. This Ministry worships God through music and songs
The men's ministry of TTRGM working together to achieve the good work of God.
Located in Virginia, The Throne Room Of Grace offers a place of comfort, hope, and peace of mind for all worshiping needs. We are dedicated to spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ, and our goal is to inspire you through our services.
Every Sunday 9:30-10:00pm
Dial in number: 607-374-1114
Access Code: 726563#
10521 Crestwood Dr. Suite# 101
Manassas VA 20109
Phone: 703-334-6799
Email: [email protected]